

Abrupt encounter
byu/Iceolator88 inAbruptChaos


increase communication between parents and children
When you ask for help, you can communicate naturally by talking to them, teaching them how to do it, and watching them closely.

If you get used to helping, you may have a conversation while working.

Then, the time to help parents and children becomes time, and even if you don’t try to communicate consciously, the conversation and contact will increase.

There are times when you’re too busy with work to listen carefully, or when it’s hard for you to communicate with your younger child.

However, the lack of communication will naturally be eliminated because the time to help is also the time to communicate with mom and dad.Should I let my child help?It’s a great advantage for both moms and kids! | Mama Sole powered by Mama Rental | Live voice media that makes parenting moms’ lives a little lighter | raising a child
raising a child

raising a child
Should I let my child help?It’s a great advantage for both moms and kids!
a girl who washes a chopping board
If you let your child help you, there are many other things you can learn besides housework skills, so there are many good things for your child.

Of course, having help with housework can reduce the burden on mothers and fathers who are busy raising children and working.

However, you have to worry about how old you are to be able to help and what you should let them do.

This article explains the positive effects of help, parents’ attitude, and examples of help that are easy to ask for by age.

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If you start imitating your parents, let them help you!
positive impact of someone’s help
the attitude of a parent when having his or her child help him or her
【By age】Examples of help for children
If you start imitating your parents, let them help you!
a boy who helps someone wash his car

The standard time to help children is when they start imitating their parents, such as “I started to wipe the table” or “I’m trying to fold the laundry.”

In general, it seems that it often starts at the age of 1-2 when you can communicate.

One to two years old is a time when it takes a lot of effort, so you are busy just taking care of your children, and from a parent’s point of view, it would be faster to do it yourself.

However, when your child starts to become interested in housework, it’s an opportunity to start helping, so let’s start with a simple content.

positive impact of someone’s help
Having a child help has many positive effects on the child’s relationship as well as on the child’s own.

develop a sense of self-affirmation
Children get a sense of accomplishment when they accomplish what they are entrusted with, and they gain confidence when they are praised for helping.

In addition, when I see my mom and dad happy, I feel like I’m helping as a member of the family, and I feel self-affirmation grows.

A sense of self-affirmation is an essential emotion to grow into a person who can feel confident in himself or take good care of himself.

Let’s develop a child’s sense of self-affirmation through help.

develop a sense of responsibility
When a mother or father asks for help, the child feels that she is being relied on.

When relied on, they have a sense of responsibility to fulfill their role, and their children try to do what they are asked to do to the end.

Also, when help becomes a habit, you will recognize the job as “what you have to do.”

Then you will be able to help yourself even if you don’t ask for it, so you will naturally develop your autonomy.

develop one’s ability to think
Helping people also develop thinking skills.

This is because you start to think about what you can do faster, easier, and better while helping others.

If you make a mistake, think about how to succeed next time.

If you develop the ability to think and devise from an early age, you will be able to think of ways to achieve better results in your future studies and work.

lead to finger development
Help can help you develop your fingers because you grab small things while carrying dishes and cleaning up toys, move your fingers finely when you fold laundry and cook, and use your fingers when you do housework.

In addition, the five senses such as vision and hearing, which are necessary for doing housework, will be polished.

If you continue to help, you will become dexterous and have more things you can do, so you will be able to leave the housework to yourself with peace of mind.

increase communication between parents and children
When you ask for help, you can communicate naturally by talking to them, teaching them how to do it, and watching them closely.

If you get used to helping, you may have a conversation while working.

Then, the time to help parents and children becomes time, and even if you don’t try to communicate consciously, the conversation and contact will increase.

There are times when you’re too busy with work to listen carefully, or when it’s hard for you to communicate with your younger child.

However, the lack of communication will naturally be eliminated because the time to help is also the time to communicate with mom and dad.

[Mama Rental] Elementary school, junior high school, kindergarten, nursery school districts, families that can be found around…
You can find rental properties near elementary and junior high school districts and schools all over the country [Mama Rental].This is a room search site for families with small children.You can easily search for rental apartments, apartments, and detached houses based on the name of the school and the conditions that are popular with your family.
the attitude of a parent when having his or her child help him or her
mother considering helping

In order to boost your motivation, check the points that parents want to be aware of when asking for help from their children.

let one’s child do it to the end
Children may fail or make mistakes while helping…

Especially if you’re helping with unfamiliar content, it can’t be helped that it doesn’t go smoothly.

Even though you know it, you may not be able to make progress and you may want to take turns if you look at it by your side.

However, in order to develop a sense of accomplishment and responsibility, it is important that you do it to the end without meddling in the middle, even if your help does not go smoothly.

If it is a work that is not dangerous, once you get used to it, you can let them do it by themselves instead of constantly following you.

not seek perfection
The point is that you don’t want perfection.

If parents are disappointed or scolded when they fail, their children’s motivation will also decrease.

Let’s take it for granted that you can’t do well unless you get used to housework, and that you should fail.

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