海外「ゴリラ vs 冷たい水」

























Diving into the deep sea and slowly rising to the surface, he found himself in the midst of a flock of hawks. The yellow vertical band on the back reflects on the strong midsummer sun and shines, making it a wonderful sight. Takabe is a fish about the size of a medium-sized horse mackerel, and it was especially delicious in summer, sashimi, tempura, grilled salt, and any dish. When I was a child, the sea was a place to get food and sell Amakusa, or to pick shellfish and fish as side dishes. When I came to Tokyo, I saw people simply swimming in the pool without any harvest, and I thought they were using their physical strength.

If you think about which animals can’t swim, you can say for sure that they can’t swim. No, I can’t find the literature. There was a description that giraffes cannot swim, so if there is a river, that is one of the subspecies’ boundaries. I think whether animals swim or not is closely related to the living environment. The giraffe’s living environment is a land where grasslands, semi-deserts, and acacia are scattered, so you don’t have to drink water every day. Large animals that live in low-water areas like deserts may not be able to swim because they do not have a chance to swim. However, the Kurohara hamster, who lives in a dry area, collects air in his cheek bag and crosses the river in a floating bag.
I’ve heard that gorillas who have become adults in the past can’t swim because they don’t like water fields, but I saw a video on TV of gorillas entering swamps or ponds and eating water plants. I remember as if there were no swimming videos, but I was surprised to see him soaking up to his waist even though I thought he didn’t like the waterfield. Gorillas can’t swim because there is a record of gorillas drowning in captivity, but do they swim if they are allowed to go into the pool and practice since childhood?

My ears, eyes, and nose are popping out of the water.

It would be hippos who like water in the same large animals. The hippopotamus’ eyes are attached as if they were sticking out, and the nostrils are sticking out to the upper side of the nose, so when viewed from the side, ears, eyes, and nose are sticking out on the surface of the water. The ears and nostrils can also be closed when diving. The same goes for crocodiles and frogs. Next time you go to the zoo, look at their eyes and nose in the water. The hippopotamus also walks on its front legs when it goes underwater, and the hind legs are bent backward to float it. There are four fingers on the foot except for the thumb, and the two fingers in the center are stuck to the skin and are in a webbed state.

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