

Girls will be girls
by inKidsAreFuckingStupid
















It is important to understand your child’s feelings in order to take pictures during the earring period. There is a good reason for your child, even though it is incomprehensible to an adult.

First, let’s see why your child is acting. Next, if you learn about NG behavior for children in the earring stage, it will be easier to deal with them.

How does your child feel when he’s in the early stages?
It would be ideal if you could understand your child’s ear. It’s not just grumpy, but there’s a good reason for the earring season.

This is related to “self-reliance.” It is said that while the number of situations in which people want to “do it by themselves” increases, they get irritated when things don’t go their way or when they can’t do it by themselves. This is probably the reason why people don’t like photography.

In addition, it is said that the frustration of not being able to express one’s feelings in words is also related.

NG behavior during the earring period that you want to remember
Some mothers and fathers will scold their children when they are dealing with them. Everyone experiences scolding a child for his busyness and lack of mental leeway, even though he knows he is in an earring period.

Let’s calm down a little first. Next, you can get along well with your child’s earring by refraining from scolding him without thinking, denying his behavior or personality, or calling out his or her name repeatedly. If you know why the earring season is coming, let’s use the following six techniques when shooting. Here are some basic but definitely useful points such as preparing toys, snacks, and shooting with a sense of speed.

Especially when taking commemorative photos in a photo studio, how quickly your child’s mood is directed to the photo shoot is important.

prepare toys and snacks
Depending on your child’s mood that day, commemorative photography may not go well. If you can bring your favorite snack or toy, it will be a good item to please your child.

Toys and snacks are useful for a change of pace and for waiting time when shooting. If you’re filming at a photo studio, check in advance if you can bring snacks.

say something that attracts someone’s attention
When taking commemorative photos, pay attention to the density of communication with your children. If you are simply sitting down and being photographed, you may end up in a bad mood.

If you have toys or items, try asking them to show you, or on the other hand, saying, “I’m going to do something interesting, so look over here,” or try to attract your child’s attention with words.

If you can focus your attention on the camera with the words of mom and dad, the shooting will go faster and the efficiency will improve.

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