

Fear Of Wife > Fear of God
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be liable for damages for privacy violations
Email, LINE, call history, and phone book stored on your mobile phone and smartphone are all information about your personal privacy.

Therefore, stealing other people’s cell phones or smartphones without permission is a violation of other people’s privacy.

Therefore, according to Article 709 of the Civil Code, compensation must be paid as compensation for damages.

Is it evidence of infidelity or infidelity if you sneak a look at it without permission
A common question is, “Does the exchange of e-mails obtained by looking at your cell phone or smartphone without permission provide evidence?”

For example, if a husband who suspects his wife’s adultery submits an e-mail exchange with an adulterous partner as evidence of infidelity, will the court adopt the existence of infidelity and the basis for calculating compensation?

In principle, this is evidence.

Certainly, the act of peeping into other people’s cell phones or smartphones is subject to civil damages in the sense that it violates their privacy.

However, it is not evidence obtained through criminal activity, and the court adopts it as evidence that infringement of privacy is considered less illegal unless it is an antisocial method (e.g., when a person is tied up and obtained an e-mail or stolen an adulterous person’s home).

However, “adopting as evidence” and “credible as evidence” are two separate issues.

Adopting it as evidence means allowing the court to submit it as evidence, and the fact that the evidence has been submitted does not immediately mean that adultery or infidelity has occurred.

The court will decide whether there has been any infidelity based on not only the call history and e-mail but also other circumstances and evidence.

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