

Nothing wrong with enjoying the rain
byu/APersonToBeIgnored inAbruptChaos


・彼女は雨を楽しんでいますか? ゼウスの大きな怒りを感じてください!

Evacuate to a safe space in the event of a thunderstorm
 Lightning strikes anywhere, such as sea level, plains, or mountains, depending on the location of the thundercloud.If there is something high nearby, it tends to fall through it.Please evacuate to a safe space as soon as possible because it is easy for people to strike lightning in open areas such as the ground, golf course, outdoor pool, embankment, sandy beach, sea, and high places such as mountaintops and ridges.
 Reinforced concrete construction, automobiles (open cars not allowed), buses and trains are relatively safe spaces.In addition, the interior of the wooden building is basically safe, but it is even safer if it is more than 1m away from all electrical appliances, ceilings and walls.

Response to Cases Where Evacuation to a Safe Space is Not Possible
 If there is no safe space nearby, evacuate the top of a tall object such as a telephone pole, chimney, steel tower, or building at an angle of 45 degrees or more (protective range) to a distance of 4 meters or more.It is dangerous near tall trees, so please stay at least 2m away from all the stems, branches, and leaves of the trees.Keep your posture low so that your belongings do not stick out higher than your body.Lightning stops and moves to a safe space after more than 20 minutes.
 In addition, even if you evacuate to a protected area, if you are sitting or lying down near the lightning point, you may experience numbness, pain, and pain in the part of the body in contact with the ground, and sometimes you may not be able to walk.
(To protect yourself from lightning) – Safety Measures Q&A – : Quoted from the Japan Atmospheric Electrical Society)

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