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 On the 29th, the train will be suspended after 9 p.m., and the Shinkansen bound for Hakata from Shin-Osaka will be bound for Hiroshima. The last train from Hiroshima to Hakata will be Nozomi 53 leaving at 9:03 p.m., and the last train from Hakata to Hiroshima will be Mizuho 614, leaving at 9:09 p.m. Mizuho and Sakura do not run directly to the Kyushu Shinkansen.

 Operation will be canceled from the first train on the 30th. It is said that depending on the typhoon’s course, the time and sections that affect it may change.

 On the 29th, the planned suspension of conventional lines will be carried out mainly in Yamaguchi Prefecture, including the Sanyo Line. The entire Iwatoku Line will be closed after 9 a.m., the entire Sanyo Line between Iwakuni and Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, Ube and Onoda lines, and the Sanin Line between Masuda and Hitomaru and Takibe and Shimonoseki will be closed after 2 p.m.

 On the 30th, there is a possibility that the service may be canceled all day from the first train on routes in Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefectures.

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