

Giving our dog a tour of her new home.
byu/morikami infunny




















Even in the house, dogs sometimes mark their territory for the purpose of claiming it. When a dog claims territory, it is highly likely that it does not have a good relationship of trust with its owner.

I think that dogs who feel that they are in a higher position than their owners can do whatever they want in the room. Therefore, there are times when marking the place where the owner smells.

Also, when new furniture and rugs are prepared, some dogs can smell unfamiliar smells and mark them to smell themselves.

Indoor marking may be caused by stress caused by environmental changes. When the environment changes drastically, such as moving, dogs lose their smell in the house and feel stressed. They will try to spread their smell by marking the inside of the house to make it a safe space.

Not only moving, but also changing family life can cause marking. For example, having an owner’s child or changing the owner’s working time can also stress some dogs and lead to marking in the house.

anxiety and fear
Dogs sometimes mark when they feel a strong sense of fear. If the owner scolds you hard while you’re marking in the house, you should be careful because the marking can get worse and worse.

Also, there are times when marking is caused by “separation anxiety”. Separation anxiety is a mental illness that causes problematic behavior because of fear of leaving the owner. When the owner leaves the dog, we mark it out of fear of the owner’s absence. In addition to marking, the problematic behavior of separation anxiety can be seen as useless barking and destruction of furniture and walls.

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