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They rarely stay in trees, and they stand alone in high-sighted places such as ice blocks, rocks, and stumps on the plains to find their prey. The same goes for individuals bred for pets, and they spend a lot of time on the floor. The walking speed is fast for an owl, but since it is a claw, it cannot move smartly. Hunting takes place a lot in the morning and evening, but it is also active during the day. The main prey is small mice such as lemmings and rattles, and they rarely prey on ducks and reptiles. When catching lemmings, they do not jump directly like other owls, but jump around on the tunnel dug by lemmings and attack lemmings who jumped out of the tunnel in surprise.

They nest on the high ground of the tundra in spring. Males have territories, but sometimes when feeding conditions are good, they are accompanied by multiple females. In Japan, where aggressive during ovulation, humans who approach nests dive from the sky to chase them away, observations of white owls are sometimes reported in Hokkaido from the Tohoku region.

It lives in open, less wooded areas such as mosses and lichens, usually called tundra areas around the North Pole.

The white owl is a migratory bird that travels north to the Arctic during the spring-summer breeding season and then south to North America, Europe and Russia.

the rare diurnal nature of white owls

Speaking of owls, I have an image that they are active with the sound of “ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho” in the middle of the night.

However, white owls are rare among owls and are active during the day.

This is believed to have evolved to be active during the day because in the Arctic, people live in white nights when the sun doesn’t set all day in summer.

breeding of white owls

It moves to the northern area from May to September every year and breeds.

When the pair is born, the males form a territory of 1.5 to 6.5 square meters, and the females build nests in it.

Females lay eggs every other day, and the number ranges from 3 to 11.

The number of eggs depends heavily on the number of lemmings (mouse species), the staple food.

Eggs hatch in about 32 to 34 days, and chicks leave their nests in about 5 to 7 weeks.

It is said that the probability of the fin’s survival varies greatly depending on the number of lemmings it feeds on.

If the number of lemmings, the staple food of white owls, is high, males can pair up with multiple females.

It is no exaggeration to say that lemmings, the staple food, hold the key to the survival of white owls.

The white owl during the breeding season is very aggressive, and even if the opponent is a human being, it can chase him around for a long distance of 1km.

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