

おおお〜広大な野原の景色が見えますね。 広い牧場を真っ黒な体の牛さんたちがのびのび歩いていて、遠くに見える空がとても美しいです…。白いカウボーイハットをかぶりトロンボーンを手に持った男が用意した椅子に座りました。突如、トロンボーンを奏で始めますが味があってすごく素敵です。音の響きが綺麗で柔らかくて心にジンジンつたわりますね。そんな音を耳にしたたくさんの牛さんたちが彼の近くまでやってきました。暖かくて、皆とてもほっこりしてます。楽器の音色は動物にも心地よいようで乳牛に毎日聞かせるとお乳の出具合も良くなるとの研究もあります。 恐るべき牛たちの反応の良さ、コンパクトで温かいサウンドが彼らの耳にも吹いていて心地よいようです! 海外の反応 ・世の中には、楽しくて変わっていて、そして結局のところ無意味な事やってる動画がたくさんありますね ・牛が彼の演奏に応えてモーモーと鳴いのが最高 ・見ていて楽しかったです ・誰かが突然現れて私の前でトロンボーンを演奏し始めたら、おそらく興味を持つでしょう ・最後に牛が一斉に拍手するかと思っていた ・私たちが住んでいる世界はなんて美しいのでしょう ・何の歌ですか? ・分かりません(笑)


Shenandoah Dairy is a ranch in the town of Live Oak in northern Florida. There’s a little bit of an unusual dairy farmer there. Ed Henderson is the fifth generation to take over the dairy business of the house. He has spent every day with cows since he was a child and has raised about 3,700 cows so far. Therefore, the love that is devoted to cows is great.

There is another passion besides cattle. It is a trombone that has been blowing for many years. He plays his favorite trombone to his favorite cows on his farm.

“I started playing to cows about 30 years ago. One day, while practicing trombone in the backyard, cattle from the ranch gathered and listened to the performance. Cows show joy when they listen to jazz.”

Does the cow listen to the performance? Do you want to show your joy?

In 2017, jazz musicians were invited to the ranch to hold a jazz concert for cows. Soon after the video was posted, it was played more than 40,000 times. With this opportunity, people around the world have appeared to play musical instruments for cows. Ed Henderson was the originator of the discovery that cows enjoy jazz.

Ask the trombone performer, who continues to play jazz against an unusual audience, about jazz for cows. How do cows enjoy jazz and how do performers enjoy playing to cows? They connected video chat from the ranch. Always Listening (AL): Hello. Ed is the fifth generation dairy farmer.

Ed (hereinafter E): My father and grandfather are dairy farmers. This ranch has been in operation since 1987.

AL: I heard that the ranch has grown since it started with 100 cows and has raised 3,700 cows so far.

E: Being a dairy farmer is a very tough job. There is no end to our work. The day passes by, feeding the cows, milking them, mowing the lawn, and watching the baby cow’s troubles. I take care of the cows around the clock. Of course, I don’t recommend becoming a dairy farmer if you don’t like cows (lol). I love cows anyway.

AL: What kind of dairy products do you make with the blessings of cows?

E: It’s mainly milk. They milk the cows, cool them, and load them into tankers. We ship six tankers of milk (about 22,700 milk cartons) every day. Currently, our ranch is raising about 4,000 cows. Milking is always done three times a day.

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