

He was not happy with dad’s throw 😅
byu/juniorXXD inUnexpected

















What is toss batting?
Toss batting is literally a batting practice in which you get a toss from below and hit the net or the ground.

It is sometimes called tee batting, but toss batting is fine.

The practice of gently shooting back a ball thrown lightly with an overhand throw from a distance of about 10 meters is also called toss batting, so honestly, the definition of toss batting is messed up, so please overcome it with the nuance of the moment (lol)

However, in this article, toss batting refers to the practice of getting a toss from below and shooting back, so please understand in advance.

From boys’ baseball to professional baseball, you’re into toss batting!?

Speaking of baseball practice, toss batting is always at the top of the list.

Everyone does this toss batting in professional baseball camps.

When I went to see the boys’ baseball game on the riverbed, everyone was tossing.

When I went to Koshien’s regular school practice tour, everyone was tossing.

What captivates everyone so much? Everyone sleeps or wakes up with toss batting anyway.

When it comes to toss batting, the batter often raises the toss from an oblique direction, but in recent years, it is said that it is better to raise the toss from a pitcher’s direction than to hit a ball from an oblique angle.

However, since front toss batting requires a ballproof net, it is not easy to do so, so the mainstream is still mainly toss batting, which raises the toss diagonally.

awareness of tossing

Everyone says in unison that the purpose of toss batting is to strengthen the swing,

To be honest, that’s a waste.

Since you’re going to hit the ball, let’s make a full swing with the aim of a full-time home run.

Nakamura Tsuya (now Seibu), who has been the home run king many times, practiced hitting the bottom of the ball as much as possible and shooting it back high.

In toss batting, it is important not to hit a grounder, but to shake it strongly with an image that sticks into the center back screen.

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