


Make sure you get all the facts before judging a situation.
byu/dynamite2277 inUnexpected

・犬 >>>>> 猫

Golden Retriever is a breed of dog that can be welcomed with peace of mind even if you have little experience living with a dog. First, I will explain the characteristics of the Golden Retriever.

gentle and sociable
Golden Retriever is a type of dog that has a sociable personality and is relatively friendly to its owner. Basically, there are many children who have gentle personalities, so it may be easy to open up to anyone.

It is characterized by a friendly relationship not only with family members and neighbors but also with other dogs and animals, and it also has a fondness for children. Some large dogs are not suitable for keeping in a home with small children, but a golden retriever will grow up to be loved by children.

be less likely to get angry
Many Golden Retriever children are mentally stable, so they won’t get angry or nervous. However, they tend to be a little younger mentally than other retriever species, and some children get excited and excited when they are happy.

Suitable for watchdogs
Many Golden Retriever don’t mind being with people or other animals and have friendly personalities. On the other hand, they tend to be less cautious, so they may not be suitable for watchdogs.

  1. Characteristics of Golden Retriever
    Many people who have never had a large dog may be curious about how big the golden retriever is and how many kinds there are. The following is an explanation of the characteristics of the Golden Retriever, such as its size and type. body height and weight
    The standard height of the Golden Retriever is 51cm to 61cm, and the weight is 25 to 34kg, so it has a strong body. In Japan, it is classified as a large dog, but in foreign countries, it is sometimes classified as a medium-sized dog. type
    There are two types of golden retriever, American English, each of which has the following characteristics. American
    The American type features a brownish nose and slender figure. The hair color is gold, but there are many variations, some of them look brownish and others have strong yellow. They are cheerful and curious, but some children are active as guide dogs and hearing dogs because they are suitable for entrusting the work. English
    The English type is characterized by its muscularity compared to the American type. Many children have wavy ears with slightly lower ears and lighter hair color. He is also active as a water rescue dog by taking advantage of his specialty of “retrieve,” which picks up and collects prey that has fallen on the ground or underwater.
  2. Living with Golden Retriever
    It’s safe to know what you want to be careful about when you eat or take a walk before welcoming a new child. Here are some of the basic knowledge you need to know to live with Golden Retriever. meal
    Because it is a large dog, the amount of food tends to be large and the appetite is strong. It would be better to give around 500g of general dog food based on 1,800kcal per day. walking and exercise
    Basically, it is an active breed of dog, so you need to exercise well. Allow at least 30-60 minutes of walking twice a day, and let them exercise freely if they have a dog run. Playing and training with educational toys are also good at home. There are many children who are good at swimming, so if there is a private pool, I would like to let them swim.
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