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There are two types of sheepdogs: “Garding Dog” and “Harding Dog,” each of which carries out important tasks.

gardening dog
Gardening dogs protect against foreign enemies such as wolves and thieves who target grazing sheep.

Being a bodyguard for sheep requires a high level of physical ability, a strong body, and a sense of crisis, and its role is very important.

Large and well-built dogs are mainly active as gardening dogs.

Harding Dog
Harding Dog has the role of supervising and guiding sheep to their destination.
You need a broad perspective that allows you to notice small changes, such as monitoring sheep so that they don’t get separated or returning them to their flock.

Because Harding Dogs need the ability to control the herd and compactly organize the ever-expanding herd, small and medium-sized dogs are mainly used for agile movements.

To sum up, sheepdogs mainly work as “bodyguards for sheep” and “supervisors who guide herds.”

Thanks to the success of sheepdogs, many livestock are still managed.

Are there sheepdogs in Japan?
There are several tourist facilities in Japan where you can see sheepdogs, but there are not many places like overseas that manage sheepdogs in a natural way.

This is because there is not much land in Japan that can graze sheep and other livestock, and compared to other countries, sheep farming is difficult.

It’s a very valuable experience to be able to see sheepdog activities even in tourist facilities, so please check the schedule and experience the power of sheepdogs if you have a chance!

What is the difference between a sheepdog and a herding dog?
As for the difference between sheepdogs and herding dogs, there is basically no big difference.

If you dare to distinguish them, sheepdogs are mainly active against sheep, and livestock dogs are active against other livestock.

There is no difference between dogs that guide and escort livestock, so if you want to distinguish them, please refer to the guidelines I introduced earlier.

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