
byu/Dear-Equipment-6804 inAbruptChaos


The sea urchin is a type of so-called crustacean, which is broadly the same as shrimp and crab.Taxonomically, it belongs to the arthropod, crustacean, soft-shelled turtle, upper order, isopodiformes, and isopodidae. Other isopodidae include danggomushi, hunamushi, and daeogum beetle that became famous for its deep-sea boom.About 360 species in 42 genera are now known, all of which are parasitic and are widely found around the world (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Wonoe”).The Indian-Pacific region around Southeast Asia has nearly 80 species in areas with a particularly large number of species, but there is a possibility that research has not been conducted in areas with a small number of species.In fact, new species have been reported from southern Africa, Hawaii and Japan in recent years, and the number of species is expected to increase further in the future.By the way, 35 species in 12 genera have been reported around Japan.

The body structure consists of the head, chest, abdomen, and tail, and the chest consists of seven nodes (chest nodes) and the abdomen consists of six nodes (abdominal nodes).However, since the sixth abdominal segment is fused with the tail (the tail segment) (this is called the abdominal segment), the abdominal segment appears to be five.The tip of the thoracic leg (finger joint) is hooked and sharp, and it clings tightly to the fish.As the name “Okuro-shrimp” suggests, during breeding, a broom is formed by overlapping thin plate-like tissues (covered egg leaves, owl) on the female’s abdomen, where the eggs are protected until they hatch.

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